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Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Electronics and Communication engineering is an engineering discipline where non-linear and active electrical components such as electron tubes, and semiconductor devices, especially transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, are utilized to design electronic circuits, devices, and systems. typically also including passive electrical components and based on printed circuit boards. The term denotes a broad engineering field that covers important subfields such as analog electronics, digital electronics, consumer electronics, embedded systems and power electronics. Electronics engineering deals with implementation of applications, principles, and algorithms developed within many related fields. For example, solid-state physics, radio engineering, telecommunications, control systems, signal processing, systems engineering, computer engineering, instrumentation engineering, electric power control, robotics, and many others.

ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION LAB : The laboratory needs for both courses are catered by following twelve laboratories well equipped with latest infrastructure.

Communication Lab: The lab is fully equipped to make the students aware of analog and digital communication techniques. To explore the possibilities of further experimentation on latest digital communication technology in the communication field more and more experiments are added to match the latest developments in these fields. Software named as "COMMSIM" for simulation of various analog and digital communication systems and Spectrum analyzer for measurement of communication signals in frequency domain are also available.

Microwave Measurements Lab: This laboratory is equipped with 9 microwave test benches with all necessary equipments and components, which can demonstrate fundamental aspects of microwave engineering such as generation of microwaves, its propagation through various microwave devices, enables fundamental understanding of various types of antennas through measurement of gain and radiation pattern. Experiments have been designed to demonstrate the basic fundamentals of transmission line theory such as VSWR, use of Smith chart and impedance measurements. It is planned to add the state of art experiments based on micro strip lines which will demonstrate the advancement in the field of microwave engineering.

Electronics Devices and Circuit Laboratory: This lab has all basic devices and components including fabricated experimental boards and breadboards to perform experiments to understand the basics of experimental characteristic of devices, amplifiers, voltage regulators, rectifiers etc. By performing the experiments on breadboard the performance of the circuits can be tested under different operating conditions. Computer is also available to undertake simulation experiments.

Circuit Simlation Lab: This laboratory has the infrastructure to enable the students to study various linear and non-linear circuit & applications. The lab is equipped with all necessary trainer boards. Students would have opportunity to perform experiments on bread board in down-to-earth understanding mode. Lab is also equipped with computers to undertake simulation experiments.

Digital Lab: This lab is well equipped with all types of digital devices and IC's with experimental trainer boards, majority of which are fabricated in the lab itself. This enables the students to study various aspects of digital electronics and perform the experiments for digital circuit applications and testing of their performance. Thus the students can develop their own digital circuits in the lab and test the same. Lab is also equipped with computer to undertake simulation experiments.

Microprocessor Lab: It also has all the facilities to test the programs in assembly language and machine language for 8085 and 8086. The lab has about sixteen 8085 kits, three 8086 kits with various I/O cards and 8051 microntrollers.

Digital System Design Lab: This lab has all the advanced softwares and hardware kits required for front end VLSI and Embedded Systems i.e. XILINX PROJECT MANAGER 8.1, MODELSIM, System Generator, ALTERA EDA Tool, ALDEC Simulator, XILINX Webpack, HDL Bencher, SPJ C-Compler/Assembler/Linker/Simulator for 8051 microcontroller family, Frontline Simulator and Programmer-B model for ATMEL and AVR Micro-controller family and EEPROM, debugger and chipscope module. This lab is well equipped with 22 Dual Core Intel processor and P-IV Computers (shareable with DSP Lab),FPGA-CPLD kits, 8096 microcontroller hardware kit, Motorola micro controller and 8051 kit. This lab has all the facilities required for research in VLSI and Embedded System domains besides project work. VLSI, DSP, Xilinx software of ISE series and VLSI CPLD trainer kits are available.

Digital Signal Processing Lab: Work in this lab is supported with 22 Dual Core Intel processor and P-IV computers. It has latest licensed MATLAB software. It is enriched with DSP kit TMS320C5416 and TMS320C6713 processors. It has Bloom with DSP software (Audio-video) for beginners to step into the signal processing area. For Satellite Image processing, it has the latest ERDAS IMAGINE software V.9.1.

Electronics Workshop/ Project Lab: This lab is used by the students of the II, III and final year of Electronics Engg., for various practicals, hobby circuit design, projects for final year and mini-projects of VI semester. The students are made to learn the process of soldering techniques, winding and all processes involved in the fabrication of electronic circuits using PCB technology. Further, the lab provides all necessary infrastructure for making the PCBs for project work and other club activities including the winding machine, deep pitching machine, PCB baking oven, PCM film maker, ultra violet system illuminated scanner, etc. The lab has three PCs with Software’s for Microcontroller based projects like Keil Cross compiler, Topview simulator, microcontroller burner, RIDE compiler and assembler which helps the students to understand the projects at simulation level. The project Lab works up to 8.30 pm in the even semester to enable students of VI & VIII semesters to work on their projects.

Computer Center: The Departmental Computer Center has 22 PC's with Dual Core Intel Processors. Out of these 12 systems are connected with Internet facility. These computers support DSP as well as DSD laboratories. The center is provided with various software required for communication engineering, circuit design and digital image processing. The Computer Center works up to 8.30 pm in the even semester to enable students of VI & VIII semesters to work on their projects. This center also provides facility for E-based learning, for which CD's had been procured from IIT- Kharagpur and IIT-Delhi. These CDs cover Digital Signal Processing, Signal and Systems, Digital Image Processing, Digital Communication and VLSI fields.

Television Engineering Lab: This lab has B/W and Colour T.V. trainer sets to study the basics of B/W and Colour T.V. reception. It also supports pattern generation and fault detection sections to study different faults in T.V.


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