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Mechanical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering-Working ProfessionalSeat Strength: Mechanical Engg.(240) & Mechanical Engg.-WP(30)Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices and more. In today's dynamic technical scenario, Mechanical Engineering gives core connectivity to other established and upcoming advance technology and yet retains its importance as the foundational branch of engineering. Applied mechanics Lab: The part of mechanics which considers the action of forces in producing rest or equilibrium is called statics,that which relates to such action in producing motion is called dynamics.The term mechanics includes the action of forces on all bodies,whether solid,liquid,or gasesious.It is sometimes,however,and formerly was often,used distinctively of solid bodies only.The mechanics of liquid bodies is called also hydroststics or hydrodynamics,according as the laws of rest or motion are considered.The mechanics of gaseous bodies also called pneumatics.The mechanics of fluids in motion with special references to the methods of obtaining from them useful results , constitute hydraulics.These are the following Applied mechanics lab equipments Universal force table,parallel forces apparatus,screwjack,worm &worm wheel(single,double,triple),winch crab(single purchase &double purchase),shear forece apparatus,Young’s moduls apparatus,Torsion apparatus,simple pendulum,centrifugal force apparatus. Thermal Engineering Lab: This lab is incorporated with equipments such as heat exchanger, refrigeration and air conditioning equipments, ice plant, conduction convection and radiation equipments to deal with the heat and mass transfer.Petrol Engine with break dynamometer ,cut section model of diesel and petrol engine ,cut section model of 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine ,petrol and diesel engine for load test etc. Hydraulics and fluid mechanics Lab: This lab deals with the latest turbines and machineries for the generation of power by the use of hydrostatic energy. Also it has experiment set up to find friction and discharge value of fluid.This lab is equipped orfice,venturimeter,notch apparatus,centrifugal pump,kaplan turbine,pelton wheeland metacentric height apparatus. Workshop:
Workshop practice is an essential part of every engineer's training. Our large and well equipped workshop is designed to make this an interesting and fruitful experience for all the students It is well equipped with all types of machines, tools and equipments in order to give practical training to students in different branches of Engineering of the Institute. It consists of the following section
Material Testing Lab: This lab deals with the strength of a material i.e. its hardness, softness, fatigue point, toughness, durability, yield point etc.This lab includes the machines by which the strength (impact, tensile, compressive) can be checked along with the variable parameters. Machine Shop: This lab constitutes of a wide range of lathe, shaper, drilling, and milling machines where students enrich their skills in basic manufacturing like drilling, chamfering, milling, boring etc. The shop has well-maintained production type machine tools such as capstan ,turret lathe and all general head stock lathe machines. Besides those: shaper; double housing planer; radial drilling machine; slotter machine; milling machine along with dividing heads; and grinding machines such as; surface grinder; tool & cutter dividing heads; and grinding machines such as; surface grinder; tool & cutter grinders are also these machines are available for precision work also.All machines are mordern in nature and student get exposure to industrial type of machines. Theory of Machine Lab: This laboratory has a good set-up for demonstrating aspects of both kinematics and dynamics of mechanism and machines. Experiments on cam mechanism Whirling of shafts, gyroscope, balancing vibrations etc. can be performed here. Excellent models for kinematics of machines are available for demonstration. Measurement Lab: Students learn various methods for measurement of important parameters such as temperature, pressure, strain, torque, linear and angular displacement etc. required in engineering. Strain measurements through strain gauges are also done apart from other routine measurements. Simulators are available for study of dynamics response of I and II order systems. Transducers for sensing temperatures, pressure and speed are available. Device to measure force sound level, liquid-level and flow of fluids has been added. CAD/CAM Lab: CAD/CAM Lab is established with a good collection of systems and assorted software. Department have purchased highly in-demand IDEAS software to provide hands-on training to the students. Along with this it has advanced software like NISA (Numerical Integrated Software for Analysis) and Virtual Engineering Software for Engineering Drawing. Students get ample time for working on their ideas. A CNC machine is available to demonstrate concepts of Computer Aided Manufacturing. Further plans of augmenting this lab include increasing the number of systems, procuring software for finite element analysis and pro-engineering and robotic manipulators which forms an important part of flexible manufacturing systems. Automobile Lab: This lab has wide range of automobile models and demo parts and it helps in study and testing of various engines, carburetors, fuel injection system, brakes, clutches and outer and inner designing of an automobiles. |
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